Florida Keys Professional Movers
Serving all of The Florida Keys
Key West • Big Pine Key • Marathon • Key Largo
Local, Interstate and International Moves
DRN Moving, Inc. is registered with The State of Florida as a Mover. Registration # IM26 • US DOT # 966624 FL • MC # 450645
Florida Keys Professional Movers
Serving all of The Florida Keys
Key West • Big Pine Key • Marathon • Key Largo
Local, Interstate and International Moves
How to Choose a Mover
Always use a mover that is Licensed & Insured.
If you are moving out of state your mover should have a DOT #, a unique license number issued by the United States Department of Transportation. Make sure it is valid by checking here: https://ai.fmcsa.dot.gov/SMS/
DRN Moving’s DOT # is 966624 Our MC# is 450645
Movers only traveling within the state of Florida are required to have a state license called and IM – Independent Mover #. You can check that number CLICK HERE
DRN Moving’s IM# is 26.
Yes, we were the 26th mover in Florida to obtain this license.
DRN Moving is insured through a company that is specifically for Movers. And we are one of the only movers in the Florida Keys to pay for Worker’s Compensation for our employees.
The following sites have a wealth of information on selecting a mover as well as other very helpful moving information. Click links below for additional information.
Years of Proven Reputation
Using a well established moving company is a good start for getting superior service. Not only does practice make perfect, but years of experience prove that customer’s keep coming back. And they trust us to keep their goods safe and to charge fairly. In business locally for 22 years, we’re not here just to make a fast buck. We rely on you using us again and referring us to everyone you know.
On Site Estimates
Every move is different. You must get an on site estimate to get an accurate estimate. This also gives you a chance to meet your mover’s representative prior to the date of your move. In our case, you will most likely be meeting the owner of DRN Moving. It’s a chance for you to get all of your questions answered about your unique move.
A moving company may tell you that they’re the best, but why take their word for it? Ask for proof! We can give you a list of local references so long you are sure to know someone. We have hundreds, maybe thousands of post move surveys you can review. Doing your research also helps you save money. No one is going to give a company rave reviews for overcharging them.
Every move is different. Shopping for the right moving company isn’t just finding out their hourly rate. It’s about having a moving company that asks questions and finds out about the exact details of your move. We want to know everything so that we are sure to be prepared to meet your needs, and so there are no surprises for us or you.
Community Involvement
While it’s not vital to choose a moving company that has a passion for giving back, it sure is a good sign of character. A moving company that is involved in the community plans on being in the community for a long time. If they are community conscious, chances are they are customer conscious. And we are.
We have been an active member of the Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce for over 10 years including presidency and board of directors. We are intricately involved with the Big Pine & Lower Keys Rotary not only as a sponsor, but our owner is a member, past president and long time director.
DRN Moving is also a member of the Key West Chamber of Commerce.
Owners Derek & Jacqui Norman have also served as directors for the Marathon & Lower Keys Association of Realtors and the Big Pine Athletic Association.
We care about the community andwe care about you.